Welcome Township Residents
Welcome Township Residents
We are glad to have you as our neighbor.
This page provides information to help get you settled into your new community.
We are happy to answer any and all questions you may have. Please contact us at 717-528-4012
Local Tax Information
Information for Adams County Residents
Whether you have recently moved to the area from out-of-state, or if you have resided in Pennsylvania all your life, it is important for you to understand Pennsylvania local taxes that may impact you.
In Pennsylvania, in addition to the state personal income tax collected by the PA Department of Revenue, municipalities, school districts and the county may each levy several different types of taxes.
Notice to Online Tax Filers
Adams County Resources

Office of Open Records
The mission of the Office of Open Records is to enforce the state's Right-to-Know law and to serve as a resource for citizens in obtaining public records of the Township.

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